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Many people ask how did you come up with the name KIA KOLOUR for your company?

KIA KOLOUR was thought of after hours of branding research and brainstorming. I thought of every name in the book before reaching the final decision. I came across two YouTube videos that peaked my interest and imagination. The first video was an interview on Sara Blakely; she said that research shows the “K” sound grabs peoples’ attention and this is a reason why it is incorporated in the name of her brand . The second video was also on YouTube on “Naming your Business”. In this video I discovered that having the same sound in the first and second word is a naming strategy that is commonly use and recommended when naming your brand.

As time went on I still didn’t have a name for the brand, until one morning the word “ Colour” came into my thoughts. This is when the light bulb when off and KOLOUR came to life. I instantly fell in love with the name but thought I could push it a little further. This is when KIA KOLOUR can along.

What happened next? I researched the name in the Trademark database, Instagram, Facebook, and Google. I wanted to see if the name was already taken and if there was something similar to the name that I wanted. This is when I thought that KIA KOLOUR would fit the brand perfectly and I loved it. And plus, my name (Founder of the company) and the brand’s name share a common interest.

Our slogan “ Unlocking the enigma of a confident woman “ was also a pondering experience. I wanted the slogan to tell the company mission and reflect our value to the world. I thought of different words like diary, mystery, confident, and woman. I thought of the purpose that I wanted to portray in correlation to the product I wanted to sell. I began to put the words together such as Diary = Unlock, Enigma = Mystery, and Confident = Woman. I wanted a slogan that incorporated all of these words. This is when I came up with the message “ Unlocking the enigma of a confident woman”. This is when it all started to come together and make sense for me. This is when I realized that KIA KOLOUR was not only a name, but a true brand.