“With every design, we wanted to give our jewelry life; a heartbeat, a real meaning of existence with a true identity. Jewelry that projects a powerful voice that will allow women to find their own”.
Kia Kolour Raven light pink  necklace_ squarespace


KIA KOLOUR mission is to unlock the enigma of a confident woman through our jewelry. Enigma means mystery and there is something mysterious about every woman. When creating our jewelry designs, KIA KOLOUR wanted to capture both sides of a woman; the elegant sophisticated side and the mysterious edgy side.

The combination of the two, allows us to send an empowering message to all women; to embrace all of who you are. With every handmade jewelry design, it carefully creates a deep connection between the design and the woman to unlock her true mystery.

Each piece has its own personality, its own mystery, its own unique style, this allows the woman to personally connect with and fall in love with the jewelry piece that relates to her the most!



KIA KOLOUR was just a dream in 2018 that came to life in 2020, when a creative way of expression began to turn into something magical. The admiration we have for wanting women to express their true selves and uncover their real mysterious truths is something we are very passionate about. Women possess certain elements that contribute to strength, mystery, and confidence and we believe that KIA KOLOUR jewelry reflects these truths in each design we create. When connecting with our mesmerizing KIA KOLOUR jewelry pieces, the discovery that we want you to unravel is…..

Are you a woman who wants to be remembered?

Are you unafraid to be bold and make a statement?

Do you know what makes you unforgettable?

Are you ready to live outside the box?

Are you ready to tell your secrets?

KIA KOLOUR allows you to express your inner most secrets and uncover your truth through our jewelry.