Many people ask how did you come up with the name KIA KOLOUR for your company?

KIA KOLOUR was thought of after hours of branding research and brainstorming. I thought of every name in the book before reaching the final decision. I came across two YouTube videos that peaked my interest and imagination. The first video was an interview on Sara Blakely; she said that research shows the “K” sound grabs peoples’ attention and this is a reason why it is incorporated in the name of her brand . The second video was also on YouTube on “Naming your Business”. In this video I discovered that having the same sound in the first and second word is a naming strategy that is commonly use and recommended when naming your brand.

As time went on I still didn’t have a name for the brand, until one morning the word “ Colour” came into my thoughts. This is when the light bulb when off and KOLOUR came to life. I instantly fell in love with the name but thought I could push it a little further. This is when KIA KOLOUR can along.

What happened next? I researched the name in the Trademark database, Instagram, Facebook, and Google. I wanted to see if the name was already taken and if there was something similar to the name that I wanted. This is when I thought that KIA KOLOUR would fit the brand perfectly and I loved it. And plus, my name (Founder of the company) and the brand’s name share a common interest.

Our slogan “ Unlocking the enigma of a confident woman “ was also a pondering experience. I wanted the slogan to tell the company mission and reflect our value to the world. I thought of different words like diary, mystery, confident, and woman. I thought of the purpose that I wanted to portray in correlation to the product I wanted to sell. I began to put the words together such as Diary = Unlock, Enigma = Mystery, and Confident = Woman. I wanted a slogan that incorporated all of these words. This is when I came up with the message “ Unlocking the enigma of a confident woman”. This is when it all started to come together and make sense for me. This is when I realized that KIA KOLOUR was not only a name, but a true brand.



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Seva Rose Gold earrings were created to fuse edgy and elegant together. Its design was inspired by the mysterious woman who’s confidence is ready to shine through. For the woman who is unafraid to let her inner self and jewelry be heard.

Seva Rose Gold earrings was first captured in a vision, then uniquely drawn to capture the concept on paper. This is when KIA KOLOUR saw its true potential and began to hand-craft the earrings.

Beautiful rose gold plated hardware, adorned with captivating Swarovski crystals, and bottom laced with leather fringe, these earrings have become the face of KIA KOLOUR.

We encourage you to live on the edge and uncover your mystery, discover the other side of who you really are and be bold enough to make a jewelry statement that will last forever.

Live in the moment with KIA KOLOUR where we design jewelry that “Unlocks the enigma of a confident woman”.

KIA KOLOUR Sneak Peak | The Enigma Collection

KIA KOLOUR blog  | The enigma collection | sqaurespace


KIA KOLOUR has launched The Enigma Collection for every mysterious woman. This collection is inspired by the woman who has a very captivating persona that exudes a desirably edgy attraction. This collection includes earrings, necklaces, and bracelets.

We wanted to introduce you to an exclusive sneak peek into a mysterious jewelry collection that is  to die for. A one of a kind collection that is inspired by the mysterious woman. Jewelry that is passionately designed and created to unlock the enigma of a confident woman. The Enigma Collection story was created from a place of women inspiration and empowerment. KIA KOLOUR will soon launch it’s  innovative jewelry collection that is uniquely a statement piece that is an automatic attention grabber. KIA KOLOUR believes that “it’s time to be bold and be seen, stop hiding behind accessories that dim your light and let the real you shine through with KIA KOLOUR, jewelry that allows you to express who you truly are.”


   Welcome to KIA KOLOUR blog!  Where we will unlock our enigma.  We invite you to take a deep dive with us as we share our story with you. Unraveling our secrets and giving you an inside look into exclusive insight into what makes us unique

Welcome to KIA KOLOUR blog! Where we will unlock our enigma. We invite you to take a deep dive with us as we share our story with you. Unraveling our secrets and giving you an inside look into exclusive insight into what makes us unique, our history, and how we plan create a society of confident woman who are ready to reveal their truth.